Saturday, 1 September 2012

Six Sentence Sunday September 2nd 2012

First Sunday in September and time for six of the best (well it is a spanking novel!)

PA Exposé
Jake has been remotely watching his PA attempt to relieve her frustrations. He calls her to his office - just a moment too soon...
Cally felt embarrassed. She knew Jake Stone could have no idea what she had been doing in the kitchen, but she couldn’t help feeling her flushed face was signalling her embarrassment like a waving flag.

‘You didn’t have to rush.’

He could obviously see how pink her cheeks were and that her breathing rate was raised and thought it was because she had been hurrying, thankfully. She would have been mortified if he’d had any inkling that he had caught her trying a bit of self-help, in his kitchen. And she’d got so damned close.

Pity she didn't spot that CCTV camera sooner...

Go try a few more great 6s at  six sunday




  1. Welcome to another Six. I hope you enjoy them.

  2. LOL, she's going to be mortified when she discovers he was watching!

  3. I'll bet he's going to try to finish where she left off, LOL! Great six!!

  4. Jake! Now that was just plain mean.

  5. There's a camera. Well, Jake is just plain mean. lol Good six.

  6. Whew! So he's a spy and a 'blocker. Interesting!

  7. That's really funny! Great six. I'll be back. :)

  8. Hmm, I think her job description's about to expand....

  9. Wonder if he'll let on he knows, or just help her finish up without a word? Can't wait to find out. :)

  10. Oops, saved by misunderstanding. Fun six, Kristal. :)
