Sunday, 5 August 2012

Six Sentence Sunday

This is my first entry for Six Sentence Sunday. It comes from my debut release:

PA Exposé   by   Kristal Baird

                      Amazon US    Amazon UK   Xcite Books

Cally Hammond, a journalist intern thinks she is undercover to expose dominating company executive, Jake Stone. However, her newspaper boss has duped her into undergoing training with Stone, to become sexually submissive. 

Cally is attending her first awkward interview with Stone:

'I expect no less from my personal assistant than that she pleases me.’
Cally swallowed down the lump that was building nervously in her throat, choking off her breathing, as he towered over her. The way he said pleases left her in no doubt as to what he was alluding. Sex. Everything about Jake Stone screamed sex. Hot, hard, and his way.


I hope you enjoyed this little teaser. 

PA Exposé  is a full-length novel so there is plenty more where this came from. I would love it if you would let me know what you think.
Kristal x      ps there's a longer extract up on the buy links!


  1. This is a seriously hot story. Love it! Great six--what a teaser, LOL!

  2. Hey Kristal, make sure you sign up for next week's six sentence sunday between Tuesday at 6pm eastern and Saturday 11:00 pm eastern at I noticed you aren't listed this week, so thought I'd give you a heads up in case you didn't know... K :)

    1. Thanks K.E. I admit I only checked it out after I posted ooops. I know now and will sign up properly next week. What a duffer I am!

  3. Sounds like she's a bit more than intrigued by the idea ;)
    Great six!

    1. Thank you, Amy. Well I don't think I caan blame her really! :o
