Thursday, 19 July 2012

How I Got Published

PA Expose

The Festival of Romance 2011, a conference for readers and writers of romantic fiction run by Romantic Fiction Online took place in Bedford, England.

One of the sponsors - the award winning, Xcite Books -announced a competition challenging writers to discover their erotic side and write an erotic romance. The prize for the winner would be publication of an erotic romance novel. I sent off my sample chapter.

I didn't win.

Another of Romantic Fiction Online's members from the US did, however - I'm sure many of you know about it already.

I was surprised therefore to receive an email from Xcite which told me that although I didn't win, I had made the final cut and they liked my work a lot. They invited me to submit the entire. Happily, in the interim, I had enjoyed writing the chapter so much, that I continued and created a 72K full-length novel. I sent it in and waited. They loved it and wanted to publish it.

Edits happened very quickly and an exciting front cover was designed (which I just love) and before I knew it, my debut novel was up for sale. It can be viewed or downloaded here:

 Xcite Books          Amazon US          Amazon UK

I am now busy connecting with everyone, blogging, guest blogging,

Twitter @kristalbaird  Facebook  Goodreads
Come and chat to me wherever you are. I want to get to know you. And I am delighted to come and guest blog too. Just say.

kristal x


  1. No-one likes to be the first to comment, so I thought I'd be the one. Now it's your turn...

  2. Hi Kristal,

    Sincere congratulations and good luck with future ventures! ;)


    1. Thank you so much, for your good wishes, Francine.

  3. Your story just shows that if you really love what you write and believe in your story, only good things can happen! Good luck with your release!

    1. Thanks, Marie. I hear you have some imminent good news too. Congratulations. Enjoy it!
